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2011/05/30 – 10:54 上午



Looking back, there are some big life changer. Having a baby is definitely the biggest change about 4 years ago. That is the good bye to party life, and even to friend’s world. To some extend, that is also the end of the two-person world, and become a one person world – Yifan‘s world. Night means at home, seeing Yifan play, and send him to bed. Night, is no longer the time to kill with many different ways.


Marriage is another smaller life changer. It means the end of life surrounded with friends (either female or male). It is a new journey. That means most of the friends of both world come to emerge into one big circle – I know many of the friend of Wendy‘s and she knows mine, and to find the perfect circle of knowing everyone is harder.

最后他提出一个问题:can people with a kid can still live like those without? Possible?





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